As an academic advisor, you will discover that there are peak periods in the amount of time spent advising students that tend to correspond with deadlines associated with UAF’s academic calendar.
UAF Academic Calendar
The academic calendar, printed in the UAF Catalog is the official calendar for fall spring and summer for Fairbanks campus. Courses offered through eCampus (EDE) also follow this calendar. The academic calendar for College of Rural & Community Development (CRCD) campuses is listed on the CRCD website or in the CRCD Registration Guide.
Academic advisors and students can add the “UAF Academic Calendar‘ to their Google webmail calendar, which makes it readily accessible.
The calendar is also on the UAF Mobile App under the “Events’ icon. The UAF Mobile App is available for iPhone through iTunes or Android through Google Play.
Academic Advising Semester Cycle
The Academic Advising Semester Cycle flowchart indicates when academic advising periods occur during the semester and what BANNER or UAOnline reports are relevant for that period.
Late Registration Period including Start of the Semester
The first day of the semester is also the first day of late registration. During late registration, students are allowed to add or drop courses on UAOnline. Students may also elect to change from Credit to Audit during this period by using the Add/Drop Form. The academic advisor’s and instructor’s signatures are not required for making schedule changes during the late registration period. Late registration ends the 2nd Friday of the semester at 5:00 pm in person, or midnight on UAOnline. Fee payment is also due the 2nd Friday of the semester and students will be dropped from their courses if they have not paid their tuition and fees or have set up a payment plan with the Bursar’s Office.
Drop Swap Period including Credit No Credit
The deadline for student or faculty-initiated drops is the 3rd Friday of the semester. This is also the deadline for 100% refund of tuition and fees for students who cancel all their courses for the semester. Dropped courses do not appear on the student’s transcript.
Students may only drop courses through the Add/Drop Form. The student’s academic advisor’s signature is required. Faculty have the option to drop students from their classes if they choose. If a student is late adding a course, the instructor’s and academic advisor’s signatures are required. Students also use the Add/Drop Form to change from Credit to Audit and require the academic advisor’s signature. The instructor’s signature is not required during the drop week.
Drop/Swaps for 100% tuition are allowed during drop week. A drop/swap occurs when a course is dropped and another course is late added on the same day. The student is still required to pay the late fee for late adding a course. Students who drop/swap an upper-level class for a lower-level class will be required to pay the tuition difference and the late fee.
The 3rd Friday of the semester is also the deadline for students electing to take a course as Credit or No Credit or change to regular enrollment from the Credit or No Credit option. The guidelines for students who use this option are outlined on the Credit/No-Credit Option Form.
Withdrawal Period, including Graduation Application
Courses dropped on the Add/Drop Form after the 3rd Friday of the semester, but before 5:00 p.m. on the 9th Friday of the semester are considered withdrawn courses, and a “W’ appears on the student’s transcript in the grade column. The academic advisor’s signature is required to withdraw from a course(s). Faculty have the option to withdraw students from their classes if they choose. Students may also opt to change from Credit to Audit using the Add/Drop Form. Signatures from the academic advisor and instructor are required.
Students who withdraw from all their courses must complete the Total Withdrawal Form and obtain signatures from their academic advisor, and clearance from Financial Aid and the Office of the Bursar. Students must complete the checklist on the form concerning Residence Life, Dining Services, Key Shop, and the university Post Office if applicable. If a student has an exceptional circumstance, he or she may complete the Request for Exception Form for a tuition refund and return to the Office of the Bursar in 130 Signers’ Hall.
Late Withdrawal Period including Registration and End of the Semester
After the 9th Friday of the semester, students may only withdraw or change from credit to audit under exceptional circumstances. Students will be required to complete the Appeal for Late Withdraw/Audit Form. The student must provide documentation of the extenuating circumstance and obtain clearance from Financial Aid and the Office of the Bursar. The appeal must be completed within 30 days after the beginning of the next semester. A committee reviews the appeal and approval is not automatic.
Students may view the next semester’s list of courses after the 8th Monday of the semester. Registration and fee payment for the upcoming semester begins the 10th
Monday of the semester for degree-seeking students and the 11th Monday of the semester for non-degree seeking students.
Registration Period including Late Withdrawal, Finals, Grading, and In-Between Semesters
Ideally, all continuing students should have met with their academic advisor concerning their educational plan and upcoming semester courses before the last day of finals. However, some students put it off until the break in-between semesters. During this period, it is important for academic advisors to review the academic standing of their advisees once the probation/academically disqualified and dean’s/chancellor’s lists are available. Students who experienced academic difficulties may need to re-evaluate their upcoming semester schedule and educational plans before the first day of the next semester. Students who performed very well academically may also need to re-evaluate their educational plan and upcoming semester schedule to explore honors, research, study away or internship opportunities.
Summer/Late Start/Early Start/Early End Course Deadlines
The Academic Advising Semester Cycle is based on student’s taking semester-long courses. Some courses end early and some courses start late and the deadlines for late start, early start and early end courses are pro-rated based on the course length. Courses offered during Summer also have pro-rated deadlines. Contact the Office of Admissions and the Registrar for precise dates for courses that do not follow the full-length semester schedule.