5B. Education/Co-Curricular Plans

Educational planning is a comprehensive process involving time management, goal setting, problem-solving, and collaboration.   Many students look at educational planning as a bottoms-up approach wherein they work on their next semester class schedule first, figure out how to space out their course workload over the semester, then try to fit the courses they have taken into a current major.

Conversely, academic advisors encourage students to plan ahead by:

  • exploring the student’s life and educational goals first so she or he can discover the most suitable major based on those goals
  • factor in semester-by-semester degree planning so the student can graduate in the most timely way
  • ascertain the student’s employment, family responsibilities and personal requirements in relation to her or his course load so the student’s semester runs as smoothly as possible
  • select courses appropriate to the conditions pertaining to the student’s life goals, curricular choice, and semester schedule.

Educational Planning Worksheets    

Use the worksheets below to assist students with their semester-by-semester educational plan, their semester course schedule, and their semester planning calendar as preparation for documenting the student’s educational plan on Degree Works through UAOnline:

Semester-by-Semester Plans

Co-Curricular Planning  

Enhance the student’s educational plan and resume by encouraging them to co-curricular opportunities at UAF into their educational plan. Students are bound to find something rewarding and fun that they can be involved in.  Community programs also program a wealth of activities and opportunities for students to de-stress, enhance their resume, learn a new skill, and contribute to the community.  

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